Monday, July 25, 2011

Bat in your pants. Giggle.

I have PTBS. That is Post Traumatic Bat Syndrome. I am constantly checking my pants to make sure there are no other bats, even though I know the statistical probability of ANOTHER bat not only getting into the house but UP MY PANTS is close to nil. BUT I would have never thought this could happen to me in the first place. If my husband hadn't come home and witnessed the bat-age for himself, I don't think he would have believed me. I wish I had gotten a picture.

It's good to know that Animal Control takes these things very seriously. Here is the voice mail I received from them: (think DEEP southern accent) "Us yes hi, Mrs. Starkey. My name is Dr. Blah Blah from animal control. I am calling about the BAT THAT WAS IN YOUR PANTS (slight laughter). I wanted to let you know that the bat was negative for rabies. Again, I say the BAT THAT WAS FOUND IN YOUR PANTS was negative for rabies (more amusement).

Sweet, at least I don't have rabies.


  1. Hi! I'm Caroline, Sarah of Five Camels sister-in-law. She forwarded your bat posts to me because I've had similar (if not as bad) experiences with the little winged devils. While I am chuckling to myself over this whole incident, I have to say that you have my complete and utter sympathy. I'm right there with you. Bats give me the heebie geebies and we used to have a colony of them in our attic. Let's just say they got into the house a lot. I became very good at catching and removing them - mostly because my husband thinks it's funnier to watch me ducking, shrieking, and chasing them around the house with a trash can & broom than actually helping me to catch them. Otherwise, he's a really, really nice guy... ;) The worst was when one got into my bedroom while I was lying in bed & nursing with my baby. It dive bombed me and then disappeared into my closet. Since I had my baby, I was seriously freaked and fled the room shrieking like a banshee. I later returned and had to knock everything around in my room until I startled it back into flight so that I could catch it. I checked my closet for weeks. I totally get PTBS. Thankfully, they are no longer living in our attic, but I have an entire slew of blog posts chronicling my bat-related experiences under the label "Bats Suck".

  2. Oh my goodness!!!!! This bat was never very animated. I think it was already pretty much gone by the time I encountered it. I don't know. What I would have done if one dive bombed me. I actually felt sorry for it because it was obviously dying. My husband picked it up and it was actually quite cute. Since then I have learned that one should never handle them but i don't think that would have stopped my husband. I am so glad I got it tested for rabies though. This story would not nearly be as funny if it had rabies. Seriously. I am glad, however, that your bat problems are gone!!!!
