Saturday, February 2, 2013

"Harry Potter" Nut Job

When I first started dating Mark, there was nothing I could say to him that would make him even consider reading "Harry Potter." To show you how flippin' old we are, this was well before the last few books came out.

He simply did not understand my fanaticism. "I am not going to waste my time on a child's book."

For me, it was a world that I instantly fell in love with and, I am not going to lie, wished was real. Reality just couldn't match Hogwarts.

For some completely forgotten reason, I got him to read the first book out loud to me. Then the second, third, and fourth. Each night was, "just one more chapter." I fell more in love with him as he fell more in love with those books.

Needless to say, the foundation of our relationship is built on our love for books in general. Unfortunately, when you have children, it's much harder to find time to read. It's a pitiful excuse, I know.

The reason I bring this up is because the four readers of this blog also love love LOVE "Harry Potter" and I thought they would enjoy this conversation between Mark and I.

Me: "Why is there a picture of Helga Hufflepuff on my desk? Are you TRYING to insult me?"

Mark: "It was in the last chocolate frog we opened."

Me: "Over my dead body would anyone in this house be in Hufflepuff."

Mark: "I thought Henry might be."

Me: (gasp) "How DARE YOU? No one in this house would be in Hufflepuff. NO ONE."

Mark: "Well then Henry has to be in Slytherin. You know it's true."

Me: "It's better than #$%ing Hufflepuff."

Mark: "Well then he can be in Slytherin...with his mother."

I love that man.


  1. I thought you bought a Hufflepuff robe. Didn't you say Hufflepuffs were the strong, silent type? :)

  2. HAHAHAHA, no I bought a Ravenclaw robe because I could't admit to be a Slytherin. :)

  3. HAHAHAHA!!!!! I'm sorry you have to be in Slytherin. ;)
