Friday, December 14, 2012

Weigh In - 12/14/2012

235 even. This is probably due to the horrible stomach bug I had but I will take it. 

You know your priorities are a little off when, in the middle of puking, you think, "Hey the weigh in tomorrow is gonna be suhweeet." 

Friday, December 7, 2012

Friday, November 30, 2012

Weigh in - 11/30/2012

239.4 - WOOHOO I broke the 30 marker!!!!!!! 38.4 lbs away from being the skinniest I have been since 1998!!! SO VERY EXCITED!

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Friday, November 16, 2012

Saturday, November 10, 2012

40+lb Pictures

Again, please ignore all the CRAP on my porch.

1) Please remind me to tell my husband to get closer for the next pictures.
2) This is at the 242.2 mark

Friday, November 9, 2012

Weigh in - Back on Track!

243.2 - For those of you keeping score that's 40.8 lbs lost so far.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Weigh In - Disappointment

Weigh In - Disappointment


Considering that I allowed myself a cupcake...or two...this week for my birthday. I feel like I did pretty well. I am disappointed that I wasn't better to myself because, frankly, the cupcakes weren't that good.

This just goes to show you that the Lap Band doesn't prevent food from going into your mouth. All the hard work is on me.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Monday, October 22, 2012

Pumpkin Patch Awesomeness - 2012

We really do love this farm. They have so many things little kids can do. They have a maze made out of hay, a playground, spooky themes set up throughout the farm, and (best of all) a tractor ride!!!

These last two pictures were of Henry and Emmett when we were in the "spooky barn" during the tractor ride. It wasn't very scary but they certainly were concerned :)

*Disclaimer: a certain seven year old took many of these pictures and changed some settings on my camera that I have yet to figure out. That's why some of them have a dark exposure. 

Carter Mountain 2012 - Apple Picking, Pumpkin Kicking, Liquor Needing Fun

The Roeders and The Starkeys have very definite needs during the fall and winter season. For the fall, we MUST:

Go eat donuts apple picking at Carter Mountain (I think I made that "joke" last year...still funny).

This is an absolute must. The scenery is beautiful, the apples are awesome and the experience is an amazing family memory maker. But frankly, it's also nice to see other parents with multiple children brought to their absolute wit's end because you know your in the club then. It's called the parent hazing process.

When children are babies, apple picking is simply a fantastic experience where you can get the cute little pictures of them holding an apple (and hopefully trying to shove it in their mouth). When the babies grow up, it turns into a full on Iron Man marathon. I almost expect to see tired parents lying in the ditches whimpering, "I can't go on, I...just....can't." Two year olds like to do whatever they like to do and believe me, we tried to strap him to a stroller. That worked for all of two seconds.

George LOVED LOVED LOVED picking apples. I think this was the first year he really enjoyed himself. We got to the Granny Smith's and he just went wild. Good thing 3/4 of this family love Granny Smith's. Mark would put George on his shoulders so that he could reach the really high apples and he absolutely loved that. Henry simply loved running around the trees, tripping over the fallen apples, and chasing Emmett around. The  images of my children laughing and running through the orchard that day are scorched into my brain.

I hope my children remember these outings as fun family trips. I hope they remember the smell of the orchards and the image of the beautiful mountains. I hope they remember our wonderful friends (who are basically family) and the great time we had. I know I will.

"No no, Henry, don't get up. We will just move around you."

Laurel and I enjoyed watching the husbands wrangle the kids. There might have been laughing involved.